Monday, November 21, 2011

Rings, Candles, Mr & Mrs- Kiss The Bride!

To stay with the storyline, I've included some phtos of a couple of ceremony events.  Like his adorable ring bearer grandson bringing us the rings, the ring exchange, the unity candle lighting,and the "it's official" joining of our hands by the minister. 
What?  We can what?  We can KISS now?   =)  Finally!  The moment I've been waiting for.  The first official kiss as HIS  MRS!  YAY!!

My goodness!   Get a room you two!  Do we look happy, or what?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Here Comes The Bride....ME!

 It was so cute to see my Mr-To-Be waiting for me at the end of the aisle.....a big smile plastered on his face, a camera ready in his hand.  And as I approached closer, tears welled up in his eyes that went along with a nervous laugh.  It was beautiful.  My dad passed me over to my soon to be husband, and as we stood with our backs turned to our guests, he started snapping pictures of us and we could hear our family and friends laughing. But this is who we are......and it was all good because they all knew this.

photo credits:  Sweet As Pie Photography, Yvette (my daughter) and Peter (my husband)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Has It Been That Long?

OMG......has it really been almost a year since my last post? I never did finish with my recaps....not sure if anyone's still out there to see them either. IS anyone out there???